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Support Questions & Answers |
Problem: Using LD Content crashes the program
Remove Problems Updates KB2976627, KB2962872 and or KB2977629
Microsoft has released an IE Update that causes the LD Content Manger to crash.
The update from Microsoft affects LD Assistant AC08, AC10, AC12, AC13 and AC14.
We are very hopeful that Microsoft in the coming months will release a patch for IE 11 that resolves
the conflict created by the IE 11 update.
However we are looking into the matter and when we have a solution we will post it in the users area. Clcik here to read more.
As a work-a-round use the Block Navigator to drag content into the drawing... click here to see now. |
Problem: Ac14 on Window 8.1 LD Assistant Ac Classic Work Space No pallets
Right mouse click on the desktop icon LD Assistant Ac2014
- Click on Properties
- Click on Compatibility
- Click (Run this program in compatibility mode for: Window XP (Services Pack 3)
- Now at the bottom (Privilege Level) Click (Run this program as an administrator)
- Apply and restart
Problem: Cannot drag content into drawing AC 10, 12, 13 & 14
- Under Start
- Click on Control panel
- Click on User Accounts
- Look for and click on (turn off user account control settings)
- Set to Never Notify
Restart Computer |
Problem: Installing AC13, called: Error .NET Framework Runtime 4.0 KB2468871 Failed Installation aborted, Result=2
Their is No need to Uninstall part 1
Installed this Microsoft patch and then install Part 2:
http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=3556 The one in the middle NDP40-KB2468871-v2-x64.exe |
Problem: Installing AC12 Some Products Fail to Install, Result 1603
Here is a link http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/Installation-Licensing/Some-Products-Fail-to-Install-Result-1603/td-p/3382347 |
Problem: Part 2 Install fails - on new 5 day old computer
When Part 2 failing on the .NET4 install portion I went and downloaded the .NET4 install from microsoft's website, http://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/download/details.aspx?id=17851. Interestingly enough, just installing this file didn't let me install LDA, I needed to then use Windows Update to download the various updates/security fixes and then everything installed fine.
Problem: AC13 Crash when User Content…
After saving new block to User Content… and then trying to drag it into drawing it crashes LDA. Work-around… save file as 2010 DWG File. |
Problem: AC13 Part 2 did not install:
If Part 2 of the install does not install, turn off your antivirus software.
Next open the DVD and open the folder Part2, locate the setup.exe (a blue icon) and double on it to start the second part of the LD Assistant Ac 2013 install.
Symantec End Point Protection- is a problem - Cloud Norton and Comcast Constant- guard are BIG Problems…
Even though Symantec never showed up as running under the task manager, and it was not visible down in the bottom right under programs running, I never the less would see it when I went through the control panel to security status and it would say Symantec firewall active
Problem: Install fails.
The reports log says, Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable (x86) Failed Installation aborted, Result=1603
Fix, un-install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable (x86) 10.0 |
Q) I like the old array dialog box back, what do I need to do to see it again?
A) To use the dialog box, you need to type it on command line: ARRAYCLASSIC
Q) I recently upgraded from OSX 10.7 to 10.8 running Parallels 8. After performing this upgrade I lost functionality of my center wheel to click, pan, and release pan. I was also not able to click on the widows button as well. It would stay in pan right click, esc, would not remedy the problem. I was able to click on the command line and this would release the pan then click and drag in the drawing press esc and I had control once again. A) After deciding there was a driver issue with Parallels 8 I performed the following steps.
1. Download updated driver software for my logitech mouse.
2. clicked on the Devices menu
3. clicked on USB
4. clicked on my mouse clicked yes
5. waited for drivers to load
6. tested mouse functionality
7. press control and Option to release mouse from windows
8. clicked on the Devices menu
9. clicked on USB
10. unchecked my mouse
11. hopefully this works for you
Q) How can I change the orientation of the crosshairs to select blocks on an angle?
i.e. my seating is rotated at a 27d angle and I want to follow the angle of the chairs do select them in rows to change the Z axis elevation.
A) Right mouse click over any icon… look for and click on UCS II. Whey that pallet opens, click on the first icon on the left... Click and Click will set the cursor.
Defines a new UCS using one, two, or three points. If you specify a single point, the origin of the current UCS shifts without changing the orientation of the X, Y, and Z axes. Specify point on X-axis or <Accept>: Specify a second point or press Enter to limit input to a single point
If you specify a second point, the UCS rotates around the previously specified origin point such that the positive X axis of the UCS passes through the point. Specify point on XY plane or <Accept>: Specify a third point or press Enter to limit input to two points
If you specify a third point, the UCS rotates around the X axis such that the positive Y half of the XY plane of the UCS contains the point. The three points specify an origin point, a point on the positive X axis, and a point on the positive XY plane. For more on this… F1 Help and type UCS into the Index
Q) How can set the height when using the Polysolid tool? I trace the wall and then have to go back and grab the 2 grips and stretch them to the desired height. Is there a better way?
A) Looking at the command line... you will see Height/Width/Justify use these to set the Height and Width of the wall you are going to draw. If a light is focused 1' away or 10' away does it change the distance the light will shine when rendered or does the beam go infinite in that focused direction? The cone will tell you the candle power. Just place you cursor by it and you will get a tool tip.
Q) If I zoom in too far on the 'paper' in a plotting tab and then double-click in the viewport on the 'paper' to navigative my angle for the plot I don't have the ability to double click outside of that viewport to zoom out and see the whole piece of 'paper'. How do I correct this mistake of zooming in too far from the start?
A) Looking at the bottom, you will see a button called Model. By clicking on this button will change it back to the paper space and you will be able to zoom in and out. Or Look at the bottom; you will see a button called Model or Paper... try clicking on it.
System Requirements |
• CAD System Requirements
NVIDIA Partner Certified Video Drivers - LD Assistant or AutoCAD video drivers? Click here
NVIDIA Driver Downloads - Manually find drivers for my NVIDIA products. Click here
LD Assistant Ac 2014 is a 32 bit program requiring XP 32, VISTA 32 or Win 7 32 bit, Win 8 32 bit but will install on r WIN 8 64 Bit OS and run as a 32 bit program.
MAC Users... see the bottom of this page.
For 32-bit LD Assistant 2014
Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional (SP3)
Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon® dual-core processor, 1.6 GHz or higher with SSE2 technology
1 GB free disk space for installation
1,024 x 768 VGA display with true color
Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 7.0 or later
Install from DVD
Microsoft® Windows 7
Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon dual-core processor, 3 GHz or higher with SSE2 technology
1 GB free disk space for installation
1,024 x 768 VGA display with true color
Internet Explorer 7.0 or later
Install from DVD Additional Requirements for 3D Modeling (All Configurations)
Intel Pentium 4 processor or AMD Athlon, 3 GHz or higher; Intel or AMD dual-core processor, 2 GHz or higher
2 GB RAM or greater
2 GB hard disk space available in addition to free space required for installation
1,280 x 1,024 32-bit color video display adapter (true color) 128 MB or greater, Microsoft® Direct3D® & OpenGL capable workstation class graphics card
Standard Rendering Requirements 4 to 6 GB RAM
High-End Rendering Requirements Depending on the size of drawing from 6 to 12 GB RAM may be needed. LD Assistant PL System Requirements
Before you begin installing LD Assistant PL on a stand-alone computer, make sure that your computer meets the minimum recommended requirements. See the following table for hardware and software requirements. ** Win 8 Win 7 and VISTA: For LD Content to work you will need to turn off the User Account Control LD Assistant Ac 2014 is a 32 bit program requiring XP 32 with Service Pack 3, Win 7 32 bit, but will install on WIN 7 64 Bit OS and run as a 32 bit program.
** Macintosh:
There seem to be issues for a small group of users with Win7 in Parallels, check the MAC and Microsoft blog's and user forums for more on the topics and suggested fixes. Vista and XP seem to be immune from the issues.
** Work-around for Macintosh users running Win 7 on Parallel... Right click on the program link (shortcut icon) and go to properties. Then click on compatibility, then help me choose the setting. Click on the program compatibility troubleshooter on the screen that pops open. After going thru the troubleshooter, the program should open and run fine. But once you close the program you will need to re-open it using the troubleshooter.
LD Assistant is a design software ( computer aided design software ) that includes lighting design, 3D Design, event design, event planning, theater lighting design and stage lighting design created with the professional designer in mind. LD Assistant CAD is a Lighting Design Software has an advance graphic design engine for 3D visualization and Pre-visualization.